Frozen Incandescence

This morning is cold and that is perfect, we shouldn’t have today any other way because it is a beautiful in an intense hyperborean way. The humidity in the air is visible, refracting each available inflection of light, like infinite crystalline representations of the universe we call home; sparkling with energy, such purpose whilst alighting the mind with the potency initiate truly deeper thoughts. Those thoughts, equally active while the body remains warm and passive indoor, are like the keyhole, a vision not of the imagination and thus struck me, like a thunderbolt of frigid energy shivering down my spine to remind me of how alive I am; yet still intertwined with the living ice crystals bringing forth their inspiration. How are we any different from each of these frosting flakes searing to the windows, us as are they, just living representations of a specific alignment of energies, dancing interdependently, surviving by perfect happenstance in our distinctly similar environments. Energies flowing from the refracted centers of ice in only our desired scope of my vision, a single luminous idea struck us both; we are really one in the same.

Bringing fourth this conclusion was not a short task, sitting and watching the ice dance in the sunrise of the morning was only serendipitous with the effort of thought from past wisdoms. Tergiversating notions of beauty, attachment, empowerment and sadness of loss a blink would wipe the bond of dancing light from vision to finally stand firmly on the conclusion of universal intertwinements. As there is no doubt I could not survive the night or the cold that birthed crystals into existence, they too could not expect to survive the unrelenting pushing of our furnaces air until you realize that they are existing in a sense vicariously through us in our environment and us in theirs. Furthermore, the light refracting and reflecting demonstrated that there is clearly no bounds to energy as wave after wave gave empowerment to the ballet being played out right before us. Stepping to sounds of silence, bonds become stronger as strands of light tied all of our lives together.

Falling further into that idea, light being boundless, would not the smaller, decisive energies bonding physical forms together also be without barrier? Lightning in a bottle, as it may be sent the shiver down my spine as a miniature ice sculpture melted; could that be the passing of our nucleus structures passing back and forth in perpetual cosmic fastening? There is no reason why it could not be. As the interwebs have told, by way of a ph(ysic)ilosphy murmuring’s, our cores are made of the same infinite sources of scintillating dynamisms, passing in and out of existence as fast as light may illuminate this page when turned on, only to be dimmed yet still in existence by the removal of the same lights source. So if the essentials of being may play from within to out, without notion or change of physicality, may they have run a gambit and grew noticeable during a meditation with the counterparts on the other side of the glass. What’s to say we were not sharing existence, uncaged by particles and yet chained to the climates our frames desire for survival.

It was not a question at that moment, when the shiver awoke my heart to the plight of warmth on the ice glistening in full focus, we are connected. The same as the tree holds the ground so the worm may dig and yet further become the beam that in marvelous fashioning, provide our shelter once manipulated. Further the worm, left to its purpose, revives the soil from which our tomato may grow to stew in the hearth built by steeling hands educated by purpose. Purpose founded in desires, desires stemmed from will and will always encouraged by being. Being; not our being but just being as all is connected in a fullest sense because being just is and is to always be. The same of this morning, connection was felt and maintained by being, being shared and utilized alike to further living animation amongst the visceral world. The worlds we all inhabit and share, not because of choice but because we are still another representation of the just, the whole; the being.

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