Unchaste from Limitations

Open your lungs to the sounds of the Wonders of William Wallace….

Scream it out loud with me, with Mr. Gibson in full portrayal of the Scottish tide, with the sun flaring your soul into the universe;


Could there be a better way to express the utmost gratitude to being alive then to press the vocal array you’re blessed with to its preeminent maximum? Surely there is not! Inexplicable joy leaps abound from such a simple word, even the syntax of “freedom” is something of a sublime transition from ease to say seeping with complexity in meaning. Freedom is the goal, freedom is the desire, freedom is an expression, freedom is a complex reality, freedom is chased, freedom could be achieved and freedom is without fear of chastity.

We are all already, some would probable like to disagree with that point and by doing so they’ve proven their own freedom intrinsically. By simple expression of disagreement, ones freedom of choice is activated, from nothing to materialize and yet not recognized as a moment passed laden with the thing they are arguing. Be that as it may, there is also no rational reason to try and argue this as it is a simple truth and when in such a simple disagreement, if possible, find the third path, the higher point on the triangle if you may so that the freedom of thought could be constructed into a pinnacle observation. Mounted from such a stance, knowing both sides of the argument and looking back down over the road traveled to the new agreement, whether it have been an easy or hard road, will surely prove that freedom was there the whole way.

Ironically, free beings with free minds chase freedom with a burning passion hardly ever able to realize that with the gratitude they believe it will grant them could be used immediately and in reverse fashion to actualize the moments immediate freedom. From gratitude, love and groomed positivity; freedom is always at grasp. It’s the utilization of these sentiments from which freedom draws its most spiritual power, the power of the individual and the soul from which it emanates. As the body can be held chaste, the hands punished or forced to labor, the feet swept out from the legs leaving the body without motion and yet the freedom of the mind is untouched. So again, even in the hardest of times, when all may seem lost, the only truth is that you are still unbound by freedom; free to think, grow and prosper from any position in life.

So let us rejoice in freedom! Let us revel in its prosperity! Let us exude its love and kindness! Let us stand above the thoughts of fear and failure as these are all lost in the wake of gratitude. Take the chance to live the life you desire, as you deserve it and are currently living the free choices you’ve made to take you where you are. There is nothing more uplifting then analyzing your situation and being so grateful for the freedoms taking you from where you started to where you are and still realizing you have the choice to grow so much more! If you’re not happy with your stance in life, step into the light of freedom, expand your horizons with open thought and project yourself to that it is which you desire! We are free! We are living only in expanse of our own freedom and it is in that freedom we shall revel! So again, scream it with me, FREEDOM! Now define what freedom will do for you, use your will and choice and go achieve as we couldn’t be luckier to be alive; it’s easy when you believe in freedom.

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