A Walk on the Wi(se)ld Side

Gallivanter in time and space, a rover on a rugged surface, always only in ocular scope; moments passing and coming, life parked in a warp drive. Moving from game to game, from home to home; not searching, not weary and certainly never alone. Society let’s itself freely drive around me because I choose my own participation, whether it be in business or pleasure, the options are mine to decide. At times it seems a bit aimless but at a closer look it makes more sense, the motion is like a brush stroke, alone on a canvas, somewhat uninspiring and yet with all the other activities added to life, the canvas is filled in front of you to demonstrate the full beauty and awe of our lives. Making the aimless be put to the target, accurate to the split hairs so frugally counted in assenting from social butterfly to personal genius.

This is to be the life I have chosen, to have started as a gadabout, now finding my way to mogul. The past flittering’s are not a loss though because it has taught me a great deal about myself and how to read others in personal interactions. By exposing oneself to all the chaos of life, it is determinable where we fit in and more importantly, how we will bring that fit to useful service in our development of person while engaging others in service in decided fashions that bring harmony to minds we intertwine with. After the years of being a wrecking-ball, I found myself at an impasse, pursuant of a definite goal or relinquish myself the continued degradation of being a simpleton. Not a simple choice and still one easily made in an instant, it was time to kick start our growth and move into the top echelon of life, become one of the few, an achiever and not a dreamer!

To be clear, I am yet to make a fortune but I believe I am a truly wealthy man! We get each and every moment to be whomever we choose and that same love is transcendent to the life we pursue. Time being the very pleasure from which space is observed and life is developed by our energies received daily from the cornucopia of existence for which we are blessed to access. I may be broke but never broken, take the time and care to learn by living in the presence of mentors, to practice skills that forward our professional callings, to get up and get out in an elaboration of our personal greatness to share with anyone so willing in the moments grace! See, it’s transformative when we finally see the whole picture, realize the story being told is not just letters on a page but an anagram of our own discovery, with a Voyich code for which all are welcome to join in discovery and decipher. In practice, it is a human harmony, to whom all are invited. Each able to bring more the whole of the passions in actions; especially when occupying the same arteries of revelation.

Namesakes be forgotten, unity being staged at the new forefront. Together we stand and separated we may fall so let us take ourselves above status quo and indulge in the infinite possibilities of unified knowledge. I believe I am a leader now, on a quest to attend to that goal, to learn and utilize the gifts each individual presents to create a better world for us all. The aim to ensure fair housing is available for any in desire of a place of their own, to provide opportunity of fair labor when the needs of the family started without, come to share my riches. To cultivate a crop, not out of greed or personal sanction but to instead feed all those who help sow the seeds, manage the growth, eliminate the weeds and finally reap the benefit in harvest. Be mindful here, there is no free lunch, one must be dauntless to task to find reward such as the princess to be the knight’s bride, day or night, being dedicated to the assignment they have chosen to end with such delights!

So be either the Gadabout, still lost and aimless, restlessly looking for association within one societal activity or another; or be about your growth. Be not ashamed from the time spent waiting for the road to lead you on, become the leader and create your road and join me on the path to wealth beyond measure. It could be risky, it may not attend to the social norms and it will certainly be more exciting than waiting for handout’s that will never come to perpetuate progressive good fortunes. We make ourselves into who we choose to be, we attend to our instincts and act often, too much, on emotions; stop allowing yourself to be part of the clay and become the potter instead. Trace out your stake in life and be your own greatest projection, believe that you are worthy of all the abundances set forth in front of you. Come with me, out of poverty, eyes open to the heart, soul attached to the cosmos and just be your true self, the self of positivity that requires no despair in assent to every luxury in life you desire. Or continue to just walk, let life pass you by and I will sell you whatever it is you need to find more satisfaction because I too was once on that same walkabout, understand why you think you desire material goods that may not be so great but that is of no consequence because your contribution to my sanctioned transaction with you is graciously obliged all the same.

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