Set to Task

Commitment has a plethora of meaning’s to the masses and yet is cultivated only by in the intent of single soul; the soul meeting the confines of a dedicated task. To be committed is simple, act on the choice to complete the task at hand, from start to finish without giving up. This tends to be the most challenging aspect; not giving up whence the duty that is being committed to become what could be considered overbearing, overwhelming or unfair. However, if you take the time to analyze the choices made leading up to the overburdens of the commitment it is easy to notice that you are still the only one who has created the stresses; the only one able to solve them as well. The positive? Finding the next solution! Adjusting to the change! Hold yourself solely responsible! Complete the task.

Life is not supposed to be easy however there should be an argument that is not supposed to be so hard as well. Each day provides new chance for indulgence, growth, development and change that’s driven by the positive mind committed to the holds of excellence. Through each of these phases is commitment; poised to be the challenge and the completion the result. Few moments hold the same ecstasy of completion! Like a mountain summited, completion provides an exhilarated moment of knowing you manned the helm of the task through the storm of challenges, ignored the sirens’ of indulgence, grew personally and potentially interdependently with others to be poised for the development of a new commitment. Held only responsible by your choices, your actions and your commitment is such thing possible.

However, let it be argued that you took the easy route and made life more challenging than was necessary. Maybe you chose not to listen to a mentor and instead left them to finish the task at hand, dependent on their abilities to assess your results. Would the victory of the task completed be as sweet? Potentially, at the moment of closing until the task re-presents itself, a task you claim to have committed to and completed. The bill would be passed and surely you are found owing! A choice to claim success not obtained inwardly always is brought forth to be a failure, disappointments to follow. Could those moments be avoided? Surely, applaud the person assisted the task and allow them the grace of completion, then you, committed to life, growth and prosperity could enjoy their bask and glow for a moment before finding the solution you missed prior. Having yet the time to see your task through to completion, still finding focus and hard on commitment.

Other commitments are not so easy dissected, for example the commitment to a relationship. Maybe it’s argued that it should not be seen through to completion however much you may be committed as the precipice of this growth could be death; the loss of the being fully committed too. Marriage is “until death do us part”, is it not? Could you be forgiven for jumping ship before such a heart ache is sought? Maybe; and maybe if would be a graver loss to not be part of all the co-operative completions of tasks, being the shared designators of actions chosen together considerably greater than the singular commitment of relationship! It comes back to interdependency, once one is able to find independence in tasks to completion, taking interdependency one step further guards the harbors of larger scale success! To conclude this mission statement to commitment is easy. See each task to the end. Start at the beginning, use the challenges for growth, learn from the missteps and stay the course! Say it with yourself first, I will independently conquer my set personal goals, I will stay the course of life to nurture success via commitment to be a better me each step of the way. I will find others of a similar course, not drafting off their success but applauding them as we go because together the commitments completed should far exceed what any individual would be able to conquer. Finally, I will relish in the moments of failure not being brought down like the rain but harness the lightning of the storm like a charged battery ready to find the true finite end after beginning! I will see life to completion as I was born breathing, able and ready; for this is my task and from it comes the prosperity I deserve

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